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The objectives and priorities include ensuring safer, more secure, and ecologically responsible shipping.


During a press conference at IMO Headquarters in London on February 1, IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez outlined four strategic priorities: IMO’s work to regulate international shipping; its support to Member States, particularly Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries; raising public awareness and image; and relations with people and stakeholders.

The Secretary-General discussed numerous problems and opportunities in the marine sector.

Dominguez condemned the ongoing attacks on international ships in the Red Sea, emphasizing the essential need to safeguard seafarers’ safety. He continued to argue for a de-escalation of tensions and the freedom of movement of ships in the region.

The Secretary-General stressed shipping’s resilience in the face of global problems, noting that the IMO is actively engaging with countries, industry partners, and the international community to seek solutions.

Dominguez also gave an update on the Imo’s efforts to decarbonize shipping by or around 2050.

A timeline has been defined in compliance with the IMO processes:

  •  In March 2024, discussions will center on mid-term solutions to cut emissions in the medium run. These concepts include a global marine fuel standard and a price structure. During its 81st session,
  • The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) will consider an initial report on how these limits affect nations’ 82’s impact evaluation will be completed by October 2024.
  • Spring 2025: Measures approved (MEPC 83).
  •  Measures will be implemented in autumn 2025, six months following MEPC 83.


Dominguez stated, “As a worldwide industry responsible for conveying more than 80% of global trade, shipping is important. One of my top priorities is to make this organization more diverse, inclusive, and transparent.